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Declutter your Brain

Our lives are constantly dictated by tight schedules and lengthy to-do lists. The stress of the workplace or the home can quickly compound, making even simple tasks seem like a hassle. The best way to stay calm and collected even in those frustrating situations is to keep an organized mind. The goal isn’t to compartmentalize every aspect of your life into an even stricter schedule and to-do list. The goal is to declutter your brain of unnecessary thoughts so that you can focus on one thing at a time (and do it successfully, too).

But how can we go about getting our mind in the right state? With all these stressors surrounding us, it’s a lot tougher than said. Here are a few tips to get you started:

Keep a journal

Yes, I’m sure we have all heard “keep a journal” a thousand times. But, what makes it so useful? Journals are essential for word blurts. When we feel overwhelmed by the thoughts, sometimes the best option is to get it all out at once. Open a document on your computer, and start typing away. Don’t stop until you have nothing left to say. Once you’re done, you’ll be able to focus on specifics without worrying about all those other “things” bouncing around.

Learn a few strategies to make decisions

One of the most stressful aspects of our lives is making decisions. Even choosing what to eat for breakfast can be stressful when you only have 5 minutes to make yourself something that stays true to your diet. Deciding if you want to go out with your friends on a Thursday night, knowing you have work early the next day is another. Or maybe you’re torn between staying with your current job and moving to a new city to pursue something better but making less.

All these decisions that we must make every day of our lives pile up quickly and cause the mind to get cluttered. A useful strategy is Heath’s WRAP method: widen your choices, reality-test your assumptions, attain distance before deciding, and prepare to be wrong.

If you’re short on time, use the tried-and-true method of a pro/con list. Listing your options and their potential benefits and downsides might give you an obvious answer that you weren’t able to see with a cluttered mind.

Know when it is time to see your local Las Vegas Neurologist to help guide you to better brain health management. Sometimes our bodies are trying to tell us something and we don’t listen. If your body and brain is overwhelmed, listen to it. Stress can impact the brain’s health.

Rearrange your priorities

What’s more important to you: family or your career? What about loyalty or honesty? What are your core values? And what do you want to be kept at the forefront of your mind when making decisions? Oftentimes, in the heat of complicated situations, we sacrifice what’s important to us to complete a task. If we constantly remind ourselves of what is important to us, we can make better decisions and make them faster. Keeping a set of principles ahead of us at all times also helps to declutter the things that aren’t as important.

Get out of the past

The biggest clutter in our mind is what we’ve done in the past. We miss one deadline, and it becomes the only thing we can think about for the next week. The best way we can help ourselves is to acknowledge when our mind returns to a negative memory of the past and calmly bring it back to focus. Slowly training our minds to see the positives and stay in the present keeps us free from the clutter of the past.

Clean your physical space

A big contributor to the mess in your mind is the mess that is all around you in your physical space. The unnecessary visual stimuli kick your mind into hyperdrive, making you think you constantly have to accomplish tasks. Taking a few minutes to keep your space clean each day will help you relax.


The stressors that we experience each day of our lives sometimes make it difficult to keep a clear mind. But taking the time to do some clean-up following the tips outlined above can help you live a less stressful life. If you are experiencing brain health issues, visit your local Las Vegas Neurologist and seek help.