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Reduce Your Chance of Stroke

The first step in reducing your chance of stroke is by being fully understanding what it is, what causes it and what you can do to prevent it! Stroke is a disease that affects the arteries that lead to and within the brain. Stroke ranks number 5 in causes of death and is a leading cause of disability in the United States. It is a serious disease that can happen to anyone, at anytime and at any age. Stroke causes lasting brain damage, long-term disability and even death, with little warning.

Strokes can be caused by a blockage of blood flow and oxygen entering the brain as well as blood vessels leaking blood into the brain tissue where brain cells stop working because of it. The causation of stroke dependent on your body. Blood pressure can play a large role in the risk factors of stroke.

Warnings & Symptoms

There may be little to no warning signs of a stroke until it happens. High blood pressure plays a large role in stroke as it can increase your chances of having one. Some warnings and symptoms can last for a few minutes at a time so it is very crucial to be aware of the signs. Time is limited and being aware matters most before a stroke occurs. Symptoms can be mild or excessive, depending on the type of stroke experienced.
Symptoms of a stroke include:

  • Weakness
  • Numbness
  • Facial Droop
  • Speech difficulties
  • Partial vision loss
  • Balance difficulties
  • While these are not the only symptoms of stroke, they are the main indicators of one that should be paid attention to at all costs.

    Types of Stroke

    Different types of stroke are dependent on the part of the brain that is being affected. The two types of blood supply loss in the brain is ischemic and hemorrhagic. The loss of blood ultimately affects parts of your body to stop working which also tells you what kind of stroke a person is having.

    The occurrence of an artery in the brain being blocked, preventing oxygen and blood to reach the brain is called ischemic stroke or referred to as clots. Blockage can be caused by cholesterol buildup otherwise known as plaque. Plaques are dangerous because if they rupture, that is what causes a clot to form and prevent blood from passing through to the brain. This is the most common type of stroke many experience.

    Hemorrhagic strokes also referred to bleeds are caused by blood vessels leaking into the brain tissue which causes the brain cells to stop working. This type of stroke can be caused by having high blood pressure. High blood pressure can cause the wall of your artery to weaken over time which can cause strokes, aneurysms, and more types of damage.

    Prevention is the best treatment for reducing your risk factors of stroke. Strokes are life threatening. Your awareness for what can cause it and prevent it can save your life. Preventive care means keeping a close eye on your cholesterol intake, diabetes and smoking. Keeping all three under control can help with preventing blood clots that lead to ischemic strokes. Blood pressure should be controlled with simple lifestyle changes including exercise, good weight and cutting back on a few foods high in sugar and carbohydrates. To learn more, contact Silver State Neurology and we can help you tackle all your questions and concerns!

    Meditation Improves Brain Health

    Meditation is a technique that improves brain health and your overall quality of life. The practice of meditation is not as popular as it should be! Meditation induces relaxation in the body and redirects your mind to focus and create better thoughts. Some use this technique to reduce stress and improve concentration. Many people who mediate benefit greatly from it from a mental and cardiovascular stand point.

    Benefits of Meditation

  • Reduces Stress
  • Improves Concentration
  • Creates balance
  • Encourages healthy living
  • Increase overall happiness
  • Induces relaxation throughout body
  • Meditation and the Brain

    As mentioned above, meditation can be very beneficial towards the health of your brain. Your brain needs behaviors that help it stay balanced. Just like your body, it needs exercise, nutrition and care to keep it healthy. If you have never tried meditation, it is generally a harmless activity. Whether you spend 15 minutes to 1 hour, it makes a huge difference in your quality of life.

    Meditation trains your mind similarly in the way that fitness workouts train your body to be stronger. At first, it can seem a little strange and difficult since you are sitting down and thinking. But in time, you will be able to train your mind, create balance and improve your concentration, starting with focusing on your breathing! Many people forget that brain health depends on your daily habits.

    While mediation isn’t the only way to give your brain a routine that will keep it healthy, it is a way that is often overlooked. The brain can undergo a lot of different emotions of stress, feelings of anxiety or depression, which can be decreased with a way of a more balanced atmosphere. Sometimes, we forget to breathe in the midst of all the stress and emotions. A simple meditation session can calm your body and mind.

    Meditation for Beginners

    Meditation is a physical activity in which you concentrate by sitting or lying down comfortably, closing your eyes and simply breathing. Below are simple tips for meditating if it’s your first time.

  • Start with a position you will be comfortable in, either sitting or laying down. You may want to consider a comfortable cushion!
  • Close your eyes and focus.
  • Deep breaths, naturally and do not control it.
  • Focus on nothing else except your breathing and your body movements along with it.
  • Should your mind wander, redirect and focus on your breathing again, continue for as long as you can.
  • There are many types of meditation but the most important thing to remember when giving it a try is to focus, embrace the silence, be comfortable in posture and to focus as much as you can. With these simple steps, you will feel a sense of relief and your brain will become much more relaxed. This technique is a great preventative care measure to promote and maintain a healthy brain and lifestyle.

    Migraines: When is it time to see a doctor?

    Migraines are large throbbing pains in the head and neck that is often very severe. Migraines can affect a specific side of the head and can be so bothersome that it causes nausea or vision impairments. The feeling is an intense pain pulsating that can cause vomiting and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. It is a neurological disorder that can involve the chemical activity in your brain, nerves or blood.

    It’s hard to tell how long migraines will last.  Some migraines can last a few hours and much more severe ones can last for days. The pain of a migraine can be disabling and prevent you from your daily activities and functions. Aura is a warning symptom that some people experience before a migraine. These can occur during the migraine as well.

    Migraines can be treated to prevent migraines and make them less painful. Talk to your Las Vegas Neurologist about your options to treat your migraines if you are having trouble finding relief.

    Symptoms of Migraines

    Migraines can often run in the family and it affects people of all ages. Migraines begin in childhood or in early adulthood for some people. If you have a family history of migraines, you are in risk of having it. Symptoms for migraines can be caught before you experience it. This is known as the prodrome stage. Symptoms to look out for during prodrome:

    • Food cravings
    • Mood changes such as depression
    • Fatigue and frequent yawning
    • Hyperactivity
    • Irritability
    • Neck stiffness
    • Constipation


    Aura is a warning symptom that you can get after the prodrome stage and right before a migraine. Aura can cause problems in your vision, movement and even your speech. There are a lot of people who experience migraines with aura but if you experience these examples, it is likely you have migraine aura:

    • Difficulty speaking
    • Tingling sensations in body
    • Visualizing light flashes and/or bright spots
    • Vision loss
    • Body weakness or numbness

    Migraines vs. Headaches

    Headaches are pains in your head that involve pressure and aching. The pain of headache is mild, and you feel it on more sides of your head than one specific spot. Common areas that people feel headaches are forehead, temples and the back of the neck. They typically don’t last as long as migraines. Migraines last longer and are much more severe. There are instances where migraines can be so severe that you can find yourself going to the emergency room. They have far more effects than a headache including: vomiting, nausea, vision loss and disturbing long-lasting pain.

    When to see your Neurologist

    Sometimes it can be difficult to decide when it’s time to see a doctor. Migraines are painful and severe but they are not dangerous which can add to the difficulty in deciding when to see a doctor. It’s important to pay attention to the symptoms you are experiencing. Sometimes migraine symptoms can also be symptoms of other conditions that would lead to much more serious issues.

    Seek consultation from a doctor if:

    • Your migraines are severe or begin suddenly
    • You experience migraines much more frequently and they worsen
    • If your speech, health and vision are impaired
    • Coughing or sneezing causes or triggers a migraine

    Contact your Las Vegas Neurologist if you are experiencing migraines that are severe and prevent you from functioning normally throughout your day!

    Stress- How it can affect the Brain

    Stress is one of the major health issues many Americans experience. Stress can largely affect a person’s brain in more ways than you would think. In short, stress is not entirely bad, but if it is not managed or controlled, one can have negative and harmful effects on the body and brain. Everyone feels stressed at times, but sometimes there are moments in our lives that take a huge toll and overwhelm us. This causes a lot of tension in our bodies.

    Stress takes on many forms:

  • Pressure in demanding work
  • Arguments with a family member or loved one
  • Rocky home environments
  • Lack of time
  • Money issues
  • Stress is good in a way that helps you perform under intense circumstances and motivates you to learn to manage your time and work better altogether. It can improve your skills in the long run. If a high level of stress and feeling overwhelmed is ongoing every minute of each day, your body is not balanced and you could begin to have stronger signs of having chronic stress. Ultimately, it can have harmful effects altogether.

    Anyone struggling with coping and managing stress, or experiencing high levels of chronic stress, visit your Las Vegas neurologist for more information, diagnosis or treatments for what you are feeling.

    What happens to the brain when it’s stressed?

    Stress can cause the release of adrenaline which increases the amount of sugar in your blood. This leads to an increase in your heart rate and blood pressure. The brain’s hypothalamus sends signals to the pituitary gland telling it to release a stress hormone called cortisol. When your cortisol levels are too high and have been prolonged, it can affect the immune system overall resulting in decreasing the amount of brain cells.

    Overall changes to the body from prolonged stress:

  • Blood pressure rises
  • Can cause stroke
  • Memory impairment
  • Immune activity decrease
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Digestive system slows down
  • Things that can influence your stress levels:

    Your group of friends and family: Shaving a strong support system is important when feelings of stress rise. When you have people that can easily lift your spirits and lighten your mood after feeling overwhelmed, it is easier to wind down and balance your levels. A person that is alone and isolated can easily trigger the brain to feel emotional and physical stress.

    Your motto in life: The way you see your challenges can influence your manner in taking control over it. Being optimistic and positive can help you get through tougher obstacles. If you are vulnerable and sensitive, it is likely stress will control you. Living a life embracing challenges and making light of situations will make it easier for you when stressful situations arise.

    Learn how to deal with your own emotions: Sometimes all it takes to feel less stressed is for you to take a deep breath, recollect and calm yourself back down. You can increase your stress tolerance by being able to identify with your emotions and being able to control that part of yourself. Many people struggle with their emotions and can at times, let their emotions bring more stress.

    Getting enough rest: Sleep is important to keep the brain functioning properly and healthy. Chronic stress can affect your sleep, so it is important to normalize your sleeping patterns.

    Eating healthy: For your brain to stay healthy, it needs nutrients to keep it balanced, nourished and overall in control of your emotions and stresses. If your brain does not get the nutrients it needs, it is likely that your mood and ability to deal with stress mentally can be affected.

    Visit your Las Vegas neurologist to address concerns you may have regarding any negative affects on your brain that could be triggered from your stress.

    American Heart Month – Heart Health Awareness

    February is American Heart Month, a time for our Las Vegas neurologist to remind people to focus on their hearts and raise awareness about cardiovascular disease. It is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. About 2,300 Americans die of cardiovascular disease every day, which averages to 1 death every 38 seconds. Globally, it remains the leading cause of death at more than 17.9 million deaths every year. With your help, our Las Vegas neurology clinic needs to change that!

    Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Disease

    A new study from Denmark has found that people who experience migraines may be more likely to develop heart problems. This is not the first study to suggest a link between migraines and the risk of stroke and heart attack. Although migraines are considered primarily a headache disorder, there are several reasons why migraines may be tied to cardiovascular problems. The sudden constriction of blood vessels in the brain that leads to migraines may make a person more vulnerable to stroke. If you suffer from migraines, it could be more serious than a headache. Contact our neurologist in Las Vegas during American Heart Month to see how we can help.

    Sleep disorders are common among stroke survivors. Those associated with stroke include sleep apnea, parasomnia, and restless leg syndrome. Conversely, people with sleep apnea are more likely to suffer strokes to die in their sleep. Sleep disorders should not be ignored. At our neurology clinic in Las Vegas, we can diagnose and treat your sleep disorders to improve your health even after American Heart Month.

    Cardiovascular Disease Prevention

    The good news? Heart disease is one of the most preventable causes of death. Our Las Vegas neurology practice encourages you to take charge of your health! Starting this American Heart Month, commit to a healthy lifestyle, and make these small changes for a lifetime of good heart health.

    • Make an appointment with your Las Vegas doctor to discuss your heart health. Even if you’re not sick, schedule regular check-ups. Set goals for improving your health, ask questions, and trust their advice.
    • Prepare heart-healthy meals from scratch at home at least 3 times each week. Watch your sodium! To make your favorite recipe lower sodium, replace the salt with fresh or dried herbs and spices.
    • If you are a smoker, quitting can reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease. Take steps to quit smoking. You can learn more at CDC’s Smoking and Tobacco Use website.
    • Get active! Add exercise to your daily routine little by little. Even walking will help to reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. Start slow and increase your frequency and intensity over time.
    • Take your prescriptions as directed. Do not discount blood pressure and cholesterol medicines. Ask your doctor in Las Vegas for help if you’re having trouble taking your medication.

    Visit the Heart Health Foundation to learn more ways you can help this American Heart Month!