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Challenging your Brain

There is no right age to start thinking of how to keep your brain healthy. People who challenge their brains are likely to live a longer and more fulfilling life! There are different types of exercises that can boost our brain energy, but mental health exercises are often overlooked. Take some time each day to give your mind a mental workout!

Things that benefit our brain are right in front of us, sometimes we don’t see it right away. Add these simple tips into your everyday life more frequently!

Learn new things

Nothing wrong with a little new information every now and then. Whether you learn a new language, an instrument or studying a different career industry, learning should be a consistent part of your life! Learning new things challenges your brain’s skills in memory retainment, reading, problem-solving and so much more. Be curious about the world around, add to your vocabulary, utilize the internet when you come across something you’ve never seen.

You may consider learning a new hobby! If you want to start with something simple, a new hobby is a great way to start. Starting a new hobby allows you to get your creativity flowing and makes you think! Sometimes the things we are good at have yet to be discovered!

Be Productive in the Mornings

Routines are healthy for the brain. Waking up early and jump-starting your day with a to-do list not only boosts productivity but it prevents your brain from feeling sluggish all day. Changing up your routine is the challenge. Yes, it is important to have a routine weekly, but it’s even healthier to change it up every now and then by adding new tasks or doing things differently. A fixed routine can eventually make your brain feel too accustomed to something.

Rotate between being Old-Fashioned & Current

Technology is something many people rely on and not rely on enough. There are those few who are heavily dependent on using their smartphones and laptops and then there are those who rather not dive into learning how to use technology to their advantage.

If you aren’t familiar with the technology, it might be a great thing to teach yourself. It’s important to stay current and there’ s nothing wrong with learning something new especially if you can use it to your advantage.

If you rely on technology a little too much, try doing things the hard way sometimes:

  • Use your brain for basic math you need to add or even memorizing phone numbers of people important to you!
  • Use your sense of direction and mental skills to figure out where to go without using a GPS from your phone.
  • Stay Well-Read

    Regardless of your interests, it’s important to read. Read anything! Books, magazines, articles, food labels. Reading stimulates your brain and keeps your mind pumping. It’s one of the simplest ways to challenge your brain.

    Keep up with current events, even if it’s a little a day. Whether you are staying updated with the environment, politics, world news or even local news, stimulate your brain by learning about things that are happening right now. You may even consider learning about the technological changes that are happening in society today! You will be surprised by what you learn each day, there is always something new.

    American Heart Month – Heart Health Awareness

    February is American Heart Month, a time for our Las Vegas neurologist to remind people to focus on their hearts and raise awareness about cardiovascular disease. It is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. About 2,300 Americans die of cardiovascular disease every day, which averages to 1 death every 38 seconds. Globally, it remains the leading cause of death at more than 17.9 million deaths every year. With your help, our Las Vegas neurology clinic needs to change that!

    Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Disease

    A new study from Denmark has found that people who experience migraines may be more likely to develop heart problems. This is not the first study to suggest a link between migraines and the risk of stroke and heart attack. Although migraines are considered primarily a headache disorder, there are several reasons why migraines may be tied to cardiovascular problems. The sudden constriction of blood vessels in the brain that leads to migraines may make a person more vulnerable to stroke. If you suffer from migraines, it could be more serious than a headache. Contact our neurologist in Las Vegas during American Heart Month to see how we can help.

    Sleep disorders are common among stroke survivors. Those associated with stroke include sleep apnea, parasomnia, and restless leg syndrome. Conversely, people with sleep apnea are more likely to suffer strokes to die in their sleep. Sleep disorders should not be ignored. At our neurology clinic in Las Vegas, we can diagnose and treat your sleep disorders to improve your health even after American Heart Month.

    Cardiovascular Disease Prevention

    The good news? Heart disease is one of the most preventable causes of death. Our Las Vegas neurology practice encourages you to take charge of your health! Starting this American Heart Month, commit to a healthy lifestyle, and make these small changes for a lifetime of good heart health.

    • Make an appointment with your Las Vegas doctor to discuss your heart health. Even if you’re not sick, schedule regular check-ups. Set goals for improving your health, ask questions, and trust their advice.
    • Prepare heart-healthy meals from scratch at home at least 3 times each week. Watch your sodium! To make your favorite recipe lower sodium, replace the salt with fresh or dried herbs and spices.
    • If you are a smoker, quitting can reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease. Take steps to quit smoking. You can learn more at CDC’s Smoking and Tobacco Use website.
    • Get active! Add exercise to your daily routine little by little. Even walking will help to reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. Start slow and increase your frequency and intensity over time.
    • Take your prescriptions as directed. Do not discount blood pressure and cholesterol medicines. Ask your doctor in Las Vegas for help if you’re having trouble taking your medication.

    Visit the Heart Health Foundation to learn more ways you can help this American Heart Month!

    Best Foods for Brain Health

    We have always known that what we eat affects our bodies. That means that everything we eat takes a toll on our brains. At our Las Vegas neurology clinic, we emphasize that brain foods matter! Do you know the top foods for brain health? Food rich in antioxidants, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals provide energy and aid in protecting against brain diseases. In addition, hormones from our stomach influence cognitive ability like understanding and processing new information. Being properly fed helps us stay focused on the task at hand and recognize when we’re full. When we focus on feeding our bodies whole, nutritious foods, we’re benefiting both our minds and bodies. Our Las Vegas neurologist Dr. Milford has compiled a list of foods for brain health that we should all have in our diets. Read on to learn 25 of the best foods for brain health!

    1. Avocados: rich in monounsaturated fats (the “good kind), folate, vitamin K, vitamin B, and vitamin C
    2. Freshly Brewed Tea: hot or iced, boasts memory and focus-enhancing caffeine as well as antioxidants
    3. Beets: high in antioxidants and natural nitrates
    4. Almonds: contain high concentrations of vitamin E (3 times more than peanut butter)
    5. Blueberries: packed with vitamin C, vitamin K, and fiber; the highest antioxidant-rich food known to man
    6. Tomatoes: top source of carotenoids and lycopene
    7. Bone Broth: high levels of collagen and healing amino acids
    8. Coconut Oil: concentrated with brain-fueling trigycerides
    9. Broccoli: loaded with vitamin K, choline, and vitamin C
    10. Hemp Seeds: provides all essential fatty acids, vitamin B, vitamin D, and vitamin E
    11. Coffee: contains high concentration of antioxidants and helpful caffeine
    12. Celery: dense with antioxidants and polysaccharides
    13. Pumpkin Seeds: excellent source of magnesium, iron, zinc, and copper
    14. Dark Chocolate (at least 70% cocoa): chock-full of anti-inflammatory flavonols
    15. Citrus fruits: full of powerful antioxidant vitamin C
    16. Egg yolks: contains large amounts of choline
    17. Berries: rich source of anthocyanins and other flavonoids
    18. Extra Virgin Olive Oil: loaded with powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols
    19. Green, Leafy Vegetables: full of inflammation-fighting vitamins A and K
    20. Salmon: packed with brain friendly omega-3 fatty acids
    21. Turmeric: high in powerful anti-inflammatory agent curcumin
    22. Walnuts: high levels of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals
    23. Whole Grains: dense with fiber as well as vitamin E and omega-3s
    24. Beans: provides steady stream of glucose to feed the brain
    25. Pomegranate Juice: offers potent antioxidant benefits