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6 Ways to Improve Brain Function

Brain development isn’t static and it doesn’t stop when people enter adulthood. You can sharpen your focus, improve your ability to retain information, and train the mind to perform better with some patience and planning. Just like training the body, improving brain function requires effort but it can be done. Most modern professions require intensive mental focus for long stretches of time. Excessive work in such conditions can tax the brain and diminish its function, leading to a burnout.

By improving brain function and focusing effectively, it is possible to maintain a healthy mental balance without experiencing too much fatigue. It is also possible to improve brain function over time so you can handle more loads and become more efficient. Here are some ways to improve overall brain function in everyday life:

1. Become Physically Active

Many people assume there’s no connection between physical activity and brain capacity, but that’s not true. Physically active people have better focus, are more productive, and less likely to experience chemical imbalances in the brain. You can take a 45 to 60-minute walk in outdoor spaces every day and you’ll experience a significant boost in brain function over time.

While walking in green outdoor locations and soaking up the sun will help brain function, an aerobic workout provides better benefits. Full-body aerobic exercises with controlled weight-training seem to have a much bigger impact on overall brain function. This serves a dual purpose as your body is fit too.

2. Manage Stress

The human brain isn’t designed to handle excessive amounts of stress on an everyday basis. It can have a negative impact on both your physical and mental health. People who experience excessive stress or burnout find that their brain capacity has diminished as well. They can’t focus clearly, have difficulty retaining information, and lack creativity.

This is because excessive stress triggers the release of cortisol in the brain. That leads to loss of bone mass, muscle mass, and brain mass. One of the best ways to boost mental capacity is to manage stress well. Recognize your limits and set reasonable boundaries. Do things that break the routine and stimulate the mind, which leads to forming new connections.

3. Don’t Consume Brain Toxins

People consume a large number of things that are harmful to the brain and can compromise its function. If these harmful items are a part of your everyday routine, the brain will be damaged severely. It’s a good idea to eliminate tobacco of any kind from your life. Processed meats have nitrosamines, which can be toxic to the brain; fresh meat sourced from local butchers are always a better alternative. Excessive alcohol consumption will have an impact on the brain’s chemistry so it’s a good idea to restrict alcohol consumption.

Food with excessive amounts of mercury and pesticides can impair brain function; eliminate that from your regular diet as well. All of these actions will eventually add up to better brain function. Sometimes lifestyle changes can make the biggest difference in improving brain function.

4. Eat Brain Enhancing Food Items

Some food items and nutrients have a positive impact on the brain. Certain diets like the Mediterranean diet have proven to protect brain function and stall degeneration. Followers of this diet retained more brain volume than non-followers over the course of three years of the study. This study saw improved brain function and slower brain decline in older people.

The Mediterranean diet is rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, seeds, olive oils, and whole grains. People that follow this diet only consume moderate amounts of red meat, dairy, and fish, and some red wine to complement their food. It’s why this diet is so effective and similar diets have a positive impact on brain function. Studies indicate regular nut consumption strengthens brain waves. It promotes healing; improves cognitive ability, memory, and other vital brain functions.

5. Expand Cognitive Abilities Through Training

The brain can be trained to improve function, regardless of your age. Some people believe that humans lose their ability to improve brain function as they grow older, but studies have shown that’s not true. For example, studies show that adults develop the same amount of new connections as children do when they learn a new language.

Expanding brain function requires some dedication and time. You need to invest in learning and mastering new things, exploring new places, and interacting with new people. All of these actions stimulate the brain and improve function. Your mind develops new connections to handle these tasks. Once the connections are developed, they continue to improve brain function and productivity over the long term.

6. Learn a Musical Instrument

Learning a musical instrument is just as challenging as learning a new language, if not more so. In order to learn music, you need to train your ear, develop physical dexterity or lung capacity. When people take up a musical instrument, they learn many different skills simultaneously and that challenges the brain. Every new song or tune is different, so every time a novice musician expands their vocabulary, the mind is challenged.

Research suggests learning musical instruments can reduce or slow down age-related mental decline significantly. Musicians are also more focused, better able to multitask, and are more productive. Music helps improve your hearing and listening skills. It also helps increase structural connectivity between different areas of the brain that process sound and control movement. Music also helps heal the brain, which rewires itself to bypass injured or degenerated areas to perform the new task.

Even adding two or three of these tasks to your weekly routine can help develop brain function and improve your overall mental health.

If your brain is functioning at a diminished capacity, despite getting proper rest, exercise, and nutrition, it’s time to consult a professional at Silver State Neurology. An experienced neurologist in Las Vegas will carefully examine you to determine the root cause. Sometimes lack of focus and diminished brain function is because of neurological degeneration. This requires medical assistance and careful guidance.

American Heart Month – Heart Health Awareness

February is American Heart Month, a time for our Las Vegas neurologist to remind people to focus on their hearts and raise awareness about cardiovascular disease. It is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. About 2,300 Americans die of cardiovascular disease every day, which averages to 1 death every 38 seconds. Globally, it remains the leading cause of death at more than 17.9 million deaths every year. With your help, our Las Vegas neurology clinic needs to change that!

Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Disease

A new study from Denmark has found that people who experience migraines may be more likely to develop heart problems. This is not the first study to suggest a link between migraines and the risk of stroke and heart attack. Although migraines are considered primarily a headache disorder, there are several reasons why migraines may be tied to cardiovascular problems. The sudden constriction of blood vessels in the brain that leads to migraines may make a person more vulnerable to stroke. If you suffer from migraines, it could be more serious than a headache. Contact our neurologist in Las Vegas during American Heart Month to see how we can help.

Sleep disorders are common among stroke survivors. Those associated with stroke include sleep apnea, parasomnia, and restless leg syndrome. Conversely, people with sleep apnea are more likely to suffer strokes to die in their sleep. Sleep disorders should not be ignored. At our neurology clinic in Las Vegas, we can diagnose and treat your sleep disorders to improve your health even after American Heart Month.

Cardiovascular Disease Prevention

The good news? Heart disease is one of the most preventable causes of death. Our Las Vegas neurology practice encourages you to take charge of your health! Starting this American Heart Month, commit to a healthy lifestyle, and make these small changes for a lifetime of good heart health.

  • Make an appointment with your Las Vegas doctor to discuss your heart health. Even if you’re not sick, schedule regular check-ups. Set goals for improving your health, ask questions, and trust their advice.
  • Prepare heart-healthy meals from scratch at home at least 3 times each week. Watch your sodium! To make your favorite recipe lower sodium, replace the salt with fresh or dried herbs and spices.
  • If you are a smoker, quitting can reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease. Take steps to quit smoking. You can learn more at CDC’s Smoking and Tobacco Use website.
  • Get active! Add exercise to your daily routine little by little. Even walking will help to reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. Start slow and increase your frequency and intensity over time.
  • Take your prescriptions as directed. Do not discount blood pressure and cholesterol medicines. Ask your doctor in Las Vegas for help if you’re having trouble taking your medication.

Visit the Heart Health Foundation to learn more ways you can help this American Heart Month!