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Prevention is Key

Maintaining and improving your health is important in preventing your body and especially brain to encounter issues as you age. With preventive tips and care, maintaining a healthy brain is possible. The first step in giving your health the attention it needs is never avoiding symptoms. While not all symptoms should be taken too seriously, it is important to be aware of all types of symptoms. Making a consistent trip to the doctor for a check up is one way of confirming your health is where it needs to be.

Prevention refers to the maintenance and care you are putting towards your wellness and overall health. Many people don’t pay attention to their health nor do they take preventive measures to ensure the healthiest life possible. Preventive care does not always refer to just physical activity. Physical activity is only one of the many ways to regularly maintain health. Working to be proactive towards your body and brain will help you as you age.

Preventive Care Tips:

Take precaution when the flu is in season & take care of yourself when you catch it. It is inevitable that we will get sick a few times a year. Most of the time, we get sick due to lack of vitamin c or other nutrients needed to keep our body strong against infectious bacteria. An easy way to prevent yourself from catching a cold is simply by making sure you are giving your body the nutrients it needs including: vegetables, fruits, and other healthy food options. When we are sick, sometimes we don’t give our bodies the opportunity to recover. Take a day off from work, cancel your weekend plans, whatever it takes to ensure your body is going to receive the rest it needs to recover and heal. Overworking your body while it is weak during a cold make your sickness worse and could lead to your body weakening as the time passes instead of strengthening.

Change your Lifestyle Habits. When you’re young, you have more energy and think your body can withstand many things. While that is mostly true, it doesn’t happen without the help you. As you grow older, preventive measures matter more. Eating anything and sleeping however little hours and not caring about your body does not work anymore. Start making time to take care of yourself. Exercise is a naturally preventive care that helps both your physical body and your brain. Make it a priority to sleep at a reasonable time and a minimum of 7 to 8 hours. Not getting enough sleep can cause a lot of mental stress and can often lead to sleep disorders. Choose a few meals low in sugar, fats and cholesterol. This can help with preventing Alzheimer’s.

Build social networks. Having strong ties with friends and family will help in lower blood pressure and keep you happier in your life. Most people de-stress by being around people. When you keep things bottled in, it can affect your mental health and cause you to trigger migraines and even sleep disorders.

What risks can Preventive Care reduce?

Preventive care can reduce chances of stroke, heart disease, memory loss and other neurological problems. Many people fear visiting a doctor, but visiting your Las Vegas Neurologist to ensure you are healthy will give you peace of mind and if there is something wrong, you will find out and take measures to treating it. Here at Silver State Neurology, we care about all your concerns, questions and overall well-being. Contact us today to address any of your concerns!

Maintaining your Brain Health

Maintaining brain health is often taken for granted. Many assume that there isn’t much maintenance you have to do, but it is just as important as any part of your body; it is actually one of the most important parts of your body. Your brain plays a special role in everything you do from your personality, memory, education or work. Since your brain controls many aspects of your life, it’s important to know that it should be taken care of.

As you get older, your brain needs more maintenance. You feel stress much more intensely, have a harder time connecting things, and your brain simply gets tired. Prevention is key in making sure your brain doesn’t slow down earlier on! Everything from exercise, nutrition, social interactions and more can affect your brain on a daily basis. Being aware of it is the next biggest thing to remember when  maintaining your brain health.

Exercise Mentally and Physically

Exercise is known to maintain health in all aspects. Not only does exercise in a routinely basis reduce risk of physical health disease, but it improves your overall quality of life. You will notice your energy levels increase and your entire well-being improving along with your brain. It improves your quality of sleep and provides better balance in your life. Exercise not only affects your body positively but it is likely you will avoid depression and anxiety. Reading and playing games that challenge your mind can also improve your brain’s memory to avoid getting diseases such as dementia or Alzheimer’s.

Our ability to interact with other socially is also a way to reduce the amount of stress that can affect the brain. Being secluded or isolated can sometimes promote depression or anxiety which eventually strains the brain. Social networks is another way to decrease the chances of dementia.

Healthy Eating Habits

It is often said that paying attention to the food your body consumes is essential in health, however, understanding why we eat and what we eat can influence our health and longevity in your life. You are what you eat after all! It’s not a matter of giving up the unhealthy foods, but making sure you are properly getting the nutrients your body needs to maintain its health. That is especially true for your brain health. Certain foods can reduce the risks of disorders or diseases your brain can develop over time. Fruits and vegetables are an easy addition to your diet that can make a huge difference. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be a chore, nor does it have to be difficult. You can get creative with your meals and practice making dishes that are rich in nutrients. You don’t have to sacrifice the flavor of your meal just to be healthy. Healthy foods are just as tasty!

Getting Enough Sleep

When you’re young, you think sleep isn’t as valuable and you could do without much of it. Getting at least 6 hours of sleep a nigh can help you manage the stress better, gives you more energy and even boosts your immune system. Anything less than 6 hours of sleep can affect your mood, make you feel tired throughout the day and can make your brain undergo a lot of stress. Sleep is an essential part in making sure your brain is healthy from risks of memory diseases, and other mental disorders.

Stay Aware of Health Risks

Always be aware of the things that can be harmful to your brain. Stress is part of your everyday life and will likely always be part of your life. Managing stress by understanding what your brain needs can help reduce the effects of it. Don’t put your brain under any mental strain if it doesn’t have to be. Drastic lifestyle changes don’t need to happen as long as you are being cautious of what you do to your body whether it be consuming large amounts of unhealthy foods constantly, not exercising and not having healthy sleepy habits. While the rest of your body is very important, don’t be too focused on the other areas that you forget about what your brain needs. Your Las Vegas Neurologist will be able to provide you more information on keeping your brain healthy.

Best Foods for Brain Health

We have always known that what we eat affects our bodies. That means that everything we eat takes a toll on our brains. At our Las Vegas neurology clinic, we emphasize that brain foods matter! Do you know the top foods for brain health? Food rich in antioxidants, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals provide energy and aid in protecting against brain diseases. In addition, hormones from our stomach influence cognitive ability like understanding and processing new information. Being properly fed helps us stay focused on the task at hand and recognize when we’re full. When we focus on feeding our bodies whole, nutritious foods, we’re benefiting both our minds and bodies. Our Las Vegas neurologist Dr. Milford has compiled a list of foods for brain health that we should all have in our diets. Read on to learn 25 of the best foods for brain health!

  1. Avocados: rich in monounsaturated fats (the “good kind), folate, vitamin K, vitamin B, and vitamin C
  2. Freshly Brewed Tea: hot or iced, boasts memory and focus-enhancing caffeine as well as antioxidants
  3. Beets: high in antioxidants and natural nitrates
  4. Almonds: contain high concentrations of vitamin E (3 times more than peanut butter)
  5. Blueberries: packed with vitamin C, vitamin K, and fiber; the highest antioxidant-rich food known to man
  6. Tomatoes: top source of carotenoids and lycopene
  7. Bone Broth: high levels of collagen and healing amino acids
  8. Coconut Oil: concentrated with brain-fueling trigycerides
  9. Broccoli: loaded with vitamin K, choline, and vitamin C
  10. Hemp Seeds: provides all essential fatty acids, vitamin B, vitamin D, and vitamin E
  11. Coffee: contains high concentration of antioxidants and helpful caffeine
  12. Celery: dense with antioxidants and polysaccharides
  13. Pumpkin Seeds: excellent source of magnesium, iron, zinc, and copper
  14. Dark Chocolate (at least 70% cocoa): chock-full of anti-inflammatory flavonols
  15. Citrus fruits: full of powerful antioxidant vitamin C
  16. Egg yolks: contains large amounts of choline
  17. Berries: rich source of anthocyanins and other flavonoids
  18. Extra Virgin Olive Oil: loaded with powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols
  19. Green, Leafy Vegetables: full of inflammation-fighting vitamins A and K
  20. Salmon: packed with brain friendly omega-3 fatty acids
  21. Turmeric: high in powerful anti-inflammatory agent curcumin
  22. Walnuts: high levels of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals
  23. Whole Grains: dense with fiber as well as vitamin E and omega-3s
  24. Beans: provides steady stream of glucose to feed the brain
  25. Pomegranate Juice: offers potent antioxidant benefits