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Migraines: When is it time to see a doctor?

Migraines are large throbbing pains in the head and neck that is often very severe. Migraines can affect a specific side of the head and can be so bothersome that it causes nausea or vision impairments. The feeling is an intense pain pulsating that can cause vomiting and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. It is a neurological disorder that can involve the chemical activity in your brain, nerves or blood.

It’s hard to tell how long migraines will last.  Some migraines can last a few hours and much more severe ones can last for days. The pain of a migraine can be disabling and prevent you from your daily activities and functions. Aura is a warning symptom that some people experience before a migraine. These can occur during the migraine as well.

Migraines can be treated to prevent migraines and make them less painful. Talk to your Las Vegas Neurologist about your options to treat your migraines if you are having trouble finding relief.

Symptoms of Migraines

Migraines can often run in the family and it affects people of all ages. Migraines begin in childhood or in early adulthood for some people. If you have a family history of migraines, you are in risk of having it. Symptoms for migraines can be caught before you experience it. This is known as the prodrome stage. Symptoms to look out for during prodrome:

  • Food cravings
  • Mood changes such as depression
  • Fatigue and frequent yawning
  • Hyperactivity
  • Irritability
  • Neck stiffness
  • Constipation


Aura is a warning symptom that you can get after the prodrome stage and right before a migraine. Aura can cause problems in your vision, movement and even your speech. There are a lot of people who experience migraines with aura but if you experience these examples, it is likely you have migraine aura:

  • Difficulty speaking
  • Tingling sensations in body
  • Visualizing light flashes and/or bright spots
  • Vision loss
  • Body weakness or numbness

Migraines vs. Headaches

Headaches are pains in your head that involve pressure and aching. The pain of headache is mild, and you feel it on more sides of your head than one specific spot. Common areas that people feel headaches are forehead, temples and the back of the neck. They typically don’t last as long as migraines. Migraines last longer and are much more severe. There are instances where migraines can be so severe that you can find yourself going to the emergency room. They have far more effects than a headache including: vomiting, nausea, vision loss and disturbing long-lasting pain.

When to see your Neurologist

Sometimes it can be difficult to decide when it’s time to see a doctor. Migraines are painful and severe but they are not dangerous which can add to the difficulty in deciding when to see a doctor. It’s important to pay attention to the symptoms you are experiencing. Sometimes migraine symptoms can also be symptoms of other conditions that would lead to much more serious issues.

Seek consultation from a doctor if:

  • Your migraines are severe or begin suddenly
  • You experience migraines much more frequently and they worsen
  • If your speech, health and vision are impaired
  • Coughing or sneezing causes or triggers a migraine

Contact your Las Vegas Neurologist if you are experiencing migraines that are severe and prevent you from functioning normally throughout your day!

American Heart Month – Heart Health Awareness

February is American Heart Month, a time for our Las Vegas neurologist to remind people to focus on their hearts and raise awareness about cardiovascular disease. It is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. About 2,300 Americans die of cardiovascular disease every day, which averages to 1 death every 38 seconds. Globally, it remains the leading cause of death at more than 17.9 million deaths every year. With your help, our Las Vegas neurology clinic needs to change that!

Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Disease

A new study from Denmark has found that people who experience migraines may be more likely to develop heart problems. This is not the first study to suggest a link between migraines and the risk of stroke and heart attack. Although migraines are considered primarily a headache disorder, there are several reasons why migraines may be tied to cardiovascular problems. The sudden constriction of blood vessels in the brain that leads to migraines may make a person more vulnerable to stroke. If you suffer from migraines, it could be more serious than a headache. Contact our neurologist in Las Vegas during American Heart Month to see how we can help.

Sleep disorders are common among stroke survivors. Those associated with stroke include sleep apnea, parasomnia, and restless leg syndrome. Conversely, people with sleep apnea are more likely to suffer strokes to die in their sleep. Sleep disorders should not be ignored. At our neurology clinic in Las Vegas, we can diagnose and treat your sleep disorders to improve your health even after American Heart Month.

Cardiovascular Disease Prevention

The good news? Heart disease is one of the most preventable causes of death. Our Las Vegas neurology practice encourages you to take charge of your health! Starting this American Heart Month, commit to a healthy lifestyle, and make these small changes for a lifetime of good heart health.

  • Make an appointment with your Las Vegas doctor to discuss your heart health. Even if you’re not sick, schedule regular check-ups. Set goals for improving your health, ask questions, and trust their advice.
  • Prepare heart-healthy meals from scratch at home at least 3 times each week. Watch your sodium! To make your favorite recipe lower sodium, replace the salt with fresh or dried herbs and spices.
  • If you are a smoker, quitting can reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease. Take steps to quit smoking. You can learn more at CDC’s Smoking and Tobacco Use website.
  • Get active! Add exercise to your daily routine little by little. Even walking will help to reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. Start slow and increase your frequency and intensity over time.
  • Take your prescriptions as directed. Do not discount blood pressure and cholesterol medicines. Ask your doctor in Las Vegas for help if you’re having trouble taking your medication.

Visit the Heart Health Foundation to learn more ways you can help this American Heart Month!

Flu Season Safety Tips: 2018 Flu Season

Flu season safety is of utmost importance right now. This year’s flu season is quite a deadly one. Influenza is all over the continental United States. Roughly 9.1 percent of all deaths in the US are due to flu and pneumonia, which is a common complication of the flu. Those most at risk during the 2018 flu season are children and the elderly.

Our Las Vegas neurologist knows that all parts of patient care are important. Every person at this neurology clinic in Las Vegas is dedicated to maintaining the highest quality of care. You can learn more about our Las Vegas neurology practice here! We want to help prevent the spread of flu. So, here are Silver State Neurology’s top flu season safety tips!

Practice basic personal hygiene

We wash our hands often at our Las Vegas neurology clinic. One of the most effective flu season safety methods is washing your hands frequently. Use soap and water to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizing liquid. You should be using enough liquid to cover all surfaces of your hands. It is especially important to clean your hands after coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose. This will help protect you and others during flu season.

Get the flu shot

Is it too late to get the flu shot? No, it isn’t too late to do anything for flu season safety. Though the best time to get the flu shot is in October, the flu season can last all the way through May. If you haven’t already been vaccinated, getting the flu shot can still protect you from getting sick or passing the virus to someone else. Take note that it takes about two weeks after vaccination for your body to create antibodies that can protect against the flu.

Vaccination of people at high risk of serious flu complications is especially important to decrease severe flu illness. That includes young children 6 months or older, pregnant women, people with certain chronic health conditions, and anyone 65 years or older. If you have any questions, contact us! Our neurologist in Las Vegas is more than happy to help.

Stay home if you’re sick

If you’ve been diagnosed with the flu by a Las Vegas doctor, staying at home will keep other people healthy. Sick adults shouldn’t go to work, and sick children shouldn’t go to school. Taking time off to rest will also help speed recovery. In the meantime, anyone who is ill needs to stay hydrated and well-rested. The CDC recommends that those who are ill stay home for at least 24 hours after they no longer have any flu symptoms.

Keep surfaces clean

Common surfaces that are frequently touched must be kept clean. Regularly wipe down shared work spaces and equipment like copy machines, computers, and phones. Don’t forget to stop the spread of flu at home! Focus on cleaning surfaces like doorknobs, television remotes, and faucets. Bacteria can survive on these surfaces the longest. At our Las Vegas neurology office, we emphasize vigilance in keeping our environment clean. We employ this flu season safety tip every day.

Avoid touching your nose and eyes

There’s a common misunderstanding that the flu is spread by sharing food and drinks with sick people. However, the virus is actually spread by touching contaminated surfaces then touching the nose, mouth, or eyes. That’s because saliva doesn’t carry that much of the flu virus, and our stomachs have defenses to kill any viruses present. We’re much more susceptible to viruses that enter through the nose and eyes. For best flu season safety, our neurology office in Las Vegas recommends keeping your hands away from your face altogether.

Practice good health habits

An immune system that is already compromised will have a harder time fighting the flu. So, keep up a healthy lifestyle as much as possible for flu season safety. A healthy immune system is better equipped to withstand infection. Get adequate rest, eat healthy, and exercise. Bonus: moderate exercise, such as brisk walking, is a proven immunity booster. If you have any other health concerns, consult our Las Vegas neurology doctor.

Flu symptoms to watch out for:

  • Fever, feeling feverish/chills
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Vomiting or diarrhea (more common among children than adults)